Lindsay Lohan, born 02 Jul 1986, NYC, USA. Child model, Disney's "The Parent Trap" breakout role (1998). 

2000s Teen Idol: Lindsay Lohan - Actress, singer, adored for talent and charm. 2 albums released.

Lindsay Lohan, Hollywood Star, Reveals Pregnancy with Husband Bader Shammas in March 2023 

Turbulent life affected career: Limited roles, image decline. 

Comeback efforts: "Mean Girls" (2004), "Bobby" (2006) - praised performances. 

Reality TV ventures: "Lindsay" (2014) and "Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club" (2019).

Global ventures: Foreign film roles, "Lohan Nightclub" in Athens, Greece.

Philanthropic efforts: Children's welfare, health causes involvement. 

Social media presence: Active on Instagram, Twitter; shares life, projects, causes. 

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